Hi friends,
We’re finally, officially, on the road. As of yesterday we jammed the rest of our belongings in storage and are now 100% living out of the Lexus. We’re currently in Tacoma, WA for a few nights tidying up some things before we head north.
For those not in the know, our plan is to drive from here - the PNW - up to the top of Alaska then whip it around and follow the PanAm highway all the way down to Ushuaia, Argentina. From the tippy top to the very bottom of the Americas. We’re expecting this to take anywhere from 12 to 24 months. There’s no strict route set and we’ll definitely have all kinds of detours and unexpected adventures. The plan is that there is no plan.
In any case, I (Corin) tried to work up a map of our general route but Google balked at me for it being too long. Instead, here’s the next few months on a map. We’re expecting this to take us through mid-August:
That’s about it for now. We’re planning on seeing Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens, and the Olympics this next week. The plan for these updates is to do at least one “here’s where we’re at” post a week plus the occasional story or photo set. See y’all then.
This adventure is so exciting. I will continue to look for photos and good writing. I’m Greg’s friend from work and everyone here is watching. Stay well, Amy
Ok, Josh, no stalking them. C², keep an eye in the rear view for Josh.